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The page you requested does not exist. For your convenience, a search was performed using the query sites default files pdf cpsia M20122 pdf.Meguiar's M122 Surface Prep Secondary Bottle, M20122, 32 Oz, No Sprayer
Pre-labeled bottle
32 oz
OSHA compliant
Meguiar's M122 Surface Prep – Paint Inspection Spray - M12201, 1 Gallon
SURFACE PREP: Spray & wipe to prepare surface for paint correction, touch-up paint, or coatings
REVEALS TRUE SURFACE: Reveals true paint condition for defect inspection during paint correction
EASY AND QUICK TO USE: Quickly remove dust, polishing oils & compound residue for maximum bonding
SAFE FORMULATION: Body shop safe formula and won’t swell or stain paint
COST EFFECTIVE: Ready-to-use and cost-effective inspection spray